Painting by Joanne Ungar. Inquiries welcome.

Learn Somatic Experiencing

Larry Iannotti, Somatic Resolution. Learn Somatic Experiencing.

Trainings With SEI

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As a professional psychotherapist and as a human with my own history of trauma, I cannot speak highly enough about the Somatic Experiencing training program. Having gone through the training some years ago, I experienced first-hand not only how it had tremendous impact on my work with clients, but also experienced a change in my own life and personal healing journey.

Somatic Experiencing is a way of working with trauma that was developed by Peter Levine after he noticed that animals in the wild live with near constant threat, but rarely develop traumatic symptoms. For more on this you can watch Peter describe it himself here:

It has since been developed into a training program for therapists, body workers, educators, first responders, physicians, psychiatrists, yoga instructors, coaches…and pretty much anyone who works with trauma on an individual, group, or community level. The trainings offer a deep understanding of the ways in which human beings are impacted by trauma and is designed in a way that provides both didactic and experiential learning.

If you want to increase your skills as a healing professional and learn more about how trauma exists in the individual’s ongoing experience, and is carried forward in our physiology as well as our cognitions and behaviors, hit the link below.

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Upcoming Somatic Experiencing Trainings with Larry Iannotti:

SE Basics: Louisville, KY, February 22nd, 9:30 - 12:30. Register at:  Louisville-ky-basic-principles-of-se-february-22-2025

SE Beginning I: Louisville, KY, June 13th - 16th . Register at: Louisville-ky-beginning-i-june-13-16-2025